Learn about Services at Gregg Chiropractic Life Centre in Kitchener
At Gregg Chiropractic Life Centre, we are committed to empowering you in order to ensure a more healthy and prosperous life. To this end, we offer cutting-edge chiropractic, neurologic, biomechanical and spinal analysis and care. We help you get better day by day.
Delighting in your progress, our caring, focused staff is here to serve you. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We offer emergency availability.
Whole family care – we work with patients of all ages
Computer spinal testing
Exercise and rehabilitation
Sports injuries care and performance improvement, strengthening programs
Manual (Hands on) and Instrument (Light touch) adjusting styles to suit patient preference
Soft tissue therapy
Laser therapy (Click to see how it works!)
Pain management
Senior care, with attention to improving mobility and decreasing pain
Acupuncture with Karas Smith R.Ac, R.TCMP – Registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Massage Therapy with Naomi Lance, Alicia Wolfe and Brittany Martino RMT- Registered Massage Therapists (Book on home page)
WSIB Registered
Motor vehicle Accident claims, HCAI licensed
Nutrition and cleansing programs
Weight loss programs
Emergency appointments